Dr. Isaac Skromne
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Grants and Fellowships
(most recent)
RUI: Elucidating the signaling interactions that control spinal cord fate specification
NSF-IOS 1755386
Project Duration: 4 years (7/18-6/22)Development of non-toxic carbon dots as bone-specific carriers for drug delivery
NSF-BMAT 1809419
Award: $207,623
Project Duration: 3 years (7/18-6/21)Testing the therapeutic potential of carbon nanodots in bone mineralization diseases
Project Duration: 3 years (9/17-8/20) -
Biology Educator Award, University of Miami Biology students (2014)
Invited Talks
CINVESTAV-Mexico (2019)
VCU, Bioengineering (2018)
University of Richmond, Dept. Biology (2016)
West Chester University, Dept. Biology (2016)
Eastern Michigan University, Dept. Biology (2016)
Mount Holyoke College, Dept. Biology (2015)
University of Miami, Dept. Biology (2008, 2014)
McDaniel College, Dept. Biology (2014)
Barry University, Dept. Biology (2014)
University of Toronto, Dept. Cell and Systems Biology (2013)
University of Miami, Dept. of Cell Biology (2012)
Conference Presentations
Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology (Speaker; 2006; Poster; 1999, 2002, ‘03, ‘05, ‘11, ‘14, ‘15, ‘16, ‘19)
Annual Southeast Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology (Speaker; 2010, ‘16; Poster; 2009, ‘11, ‘16)
Annual Midwest Developmental Biology Meeting (Speaker; 2004, ‘05, ’08; Poster, 2007)
International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics (Speaker; 2006; Poster; 2002, ‘04, ‘10, ‘12, ‘14)
Gordon Research Conference in Developmental Biology (Poster; 2015)
Tales of Discovery: Zebrafish Symposium, University of Miami (Speaker; 2015)
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (Speaker; 2015)
Grants and Fellowships
Journal Articles
Articles (most recent)
Chau. Q., Corado-Santiago, L., Jones, S., Dattelbaum, J., and Skromne, I. (2024) Physicochemical and Inflammatory Analysis of Unconjugated and Conjugated Bone-Binding Carbon Dots. ACS Omega. 9: 1320-1326. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.3c07653
DuMez, R., Miyanji, E. H., Corado-Santiago, L., Barrameda, B., Zhou, Y., Hettiarachchi, S. D., Leblanc R. M. and Skromne, I. (2021) In vivo characterization of carbon dots-bone interactions: towards the development of bone-specific nanocarriers for drug delivery. Drug Delivery. 28:1281-1289. https://doi.org/10.1080/10717544.2021.1938753
Joshi, P. and Skromne, I. (2020) A theoretical model of neural maturation in the developing chick spinal cord. PLoS ONE. 15:e024419. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244219Joshi, P., Darr, A. J., and Skromne, I. (2019) CDX4 regulates the progression of neural maturation in the spinal cord. Development Biology. 449:132-142.
Peng, Z., Miyanji, E. H., Zhou, Y., Prado, J., Hettiarachchi, S. D., Li, S., Blackweldger, P. L., Skromne, I., and Leblanc, R. M. (2017) Carbon Dots as Bone-Specific Biomaterials: A zebrafish model study. Nanoscale 9:17533-17543.
Li, S., Skromne, I., Peng, Z., Dallman, J., Al-Youbi, A. O., Bashammakh, A., S., El-Shahawi, M. S., and Leblanc, R. M. (2016) “Dark” Carbon Dots Specifically “Light-up” Calcified Zebrafish Bones. J. Mat. Chem. B. 4: 7398-7405.
Cheng, J., Skromne, I., and Ho. R. K. (2016) Cdx4 and Retinoic Acid interact to position the hindbrain-spinal cord transition. Developmental Biology. 410:178-189.
Hayward, A. G., Joshi, P., and Skromne, I. (2015) Spatiotemporal analysis of zebrafish hox gene regulation by Cdx4. Developmental Dynamics 244:1564-1573.
Lee, K. and Skromne, I. (2014) Retinoic acid regulates, size, pattern and alignment of tissues at the head-trunk transition. Development 141:4375-4384.
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