Faculty & Staff

Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience
MacEldin Trawick Professor in Psychology
Co-coordinator, Neuroscience Program
- Experience-based Neuroplasticity
- Neurobiology of Parental Behavior
- Neurobiological Impact of Natural-Enriched Environments
- Effective Coping Strategies and Emotional Resilience
- Comparative Animal Behavior
(804) 289-8132

Associate Professor of Biology
Assistant Chair, Department of Biology
Co-coordinator, Neuroscience Program
- Genetic and Molecular Basis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Neurogenetics
- Drosophila models
(804) 289-8231

Professor of Biology
- Neuroscience
- Molecular Physiology
- Integrative Biology
- Leadership Development
- Mid-Career Faculty Development
- Building Effective Partnerships to Promote Institutional Effectiveness
(804) 289-8571

Professor of Psychology
MacEldin Trawick Professor of Psychology
Interdisciplinary Program Coordinator, Cognitive Science
- Face and object recognition in cognitively intact and impaired individuals
- Development and loss of perceptual expertise across the lifespan
- Factors underlying the way we categorize our world
- Racial bias and other-race effects
- PURSUE: Preparing Undergraduates for Research in STEM Using Electrophysiology (www.pursueerp.com)
(804) 287-6830

Trawick Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychology
- Neurobiology of emotional circuits
- Cellular and molecular neurophysiology
- Rodent ultrasonic vocalizations
- Brain slice electrophysiology
- Neuroscience & STEM Outreach & Development
(804) 287-1218

Associate Professor of Biology
- Cell Biology
- Cytoskeleton/molecular motors
- Quantitative fluorescence microscopy

Dr. Isaac Skromne
Associate Professor of Biology
- Development
- Neuroscience
(804) 289-8235
Emeriti Faculty

Associate Professor of Biology, Emerita
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Immunology
- Regulation of the inflammatory response/macrophage activity