Undergraduate research is typically the first step students take if they are interested in choosing science as a profession. Besides allowing them to establish a strong working relationship with a faculty member in their field of interest, undergraduate research teaches them how to communicate their results, both through publishing in peer-reviewed journals and by making formal presentations at the School of Arts & Sciences’ annual Student Symposium and at national and international conferences.
Research is driving the growth of the field of neuroscience. Neuroscience research for students at Richmond means working with cutting edge technology and procedures alongside faculty with expertise in both the biological and psychological areas of this multifaceted concentration.
Faculty members often receive large external grants to support their research, large enough to bring on multiple undergraduate researchers to assist with their projects. The School of Arts & Sciences is an additional source of research funding through Arts & Sciences Summer Fellowships and The Richmond Guarantee.
Students gain critical skills developing hypotheses, designing research projects, writing their results and publishing them in scientific journals, and even in some cases, writing applications with their professors for further grant funding. In addition, students get the chance to present their findings at the School level as well as at regional and national presentations.
It’s never too early to start researching. Some students even come to Richmond the summer before their first year to jumpstart their development as a researcher. The first step to finding the right research opportunity for you is to find a professor whom you enjoy working with and whose work interests you. He or she will be able to help you find appropriate research opportunities within the neuroscience concentration.