Dr. Linda M. Boland
Living cells are watery bags of chemicals surrounded by a membrane made of a double layer of lipids. Ion channels are proteins that regulate the movement of ions from one side of the lipid bilayer to the other, thereby controlling the electrical activity of neurons. A better understanding of how ion channels work is essential to understanding how the nervous system operates.
Our research interests are framed around two general themes. First, how is ion channel function modified by changes in the cellular environment? Specifically, we are investigating how bioactive lipids, derived from the cellular membrane itself, or naturally occurring steroid hormones, alter the function of voltage-gated ion channels. The ion channels do not work the same way all the time -- their function is dependent upon various endogenous modulators. We aim to understand how and why this interaction occurs, and determine the physiological significance of the changes in ion channel function. These changes impact nerve cell communication and processes such as learning and memory as well as the function of brain and heart in certain disease states. Second, we are interested in how ion channels in different life forms relate to one another, both structurally and physiologically. How did cellular excitability evolve and what molecular adaptations in ion channel structure and function were required to support electrical activity of cells and eventually allow the development of a nervous system? By studying ion channels cloned from the genome of sponges and jellyfish, we can better understand the evolutionary changes that have occurred in ion channel structure and function.
Current Projects
- How membrane lipids impact ion channel function
- Developing and testing a digital and open source amplifier for electrophysiology
- The impact of ion channel regulation on action potential firing
Current University of Richmond Research Students
- Nina Price (’23)
- Ian Shogren (’24)
University of Richmond Graduates (Partial List)
- Herberth Balsells (D.O.)
- Julian Butler (medical school)
- Rachel Deitz (M.D./M.P.H)
- Michelle Drzewiecki Gontasz (M.D.)
- Jean Patrick Gonzales (graduate school)
- Bridgette Heine (graduate school)
- Robert Heler (Ph.D.)
- Elizabeth Leggett (graduate school)
- Shriraj Patel (medical school)
- Ariana Prinzbach (medical school)
- Hannah Small (graduate school)
- Erica Yamamoto (D.O.)
Expand All-
Grants and Fellowships
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
American Physiological Society Research Career Enhancement Award
Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) high performance computing resources
Mednick Fellowship
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research Instrumentation Grant
Research Grant from the Thomas and Kate Jeffress Memorial Trust -
Arts and Sciences Outstanding Research Mentor Award
Baker, V.L. and L.M. Boland. (2023) Maximizing your sabbatical: An integrated approach to purposeful planning, reflection, and re-entry. Webinar for the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD).
Boyd, D.E., N.L. Chick, L.M. Boland, F. Lozada, K.A. Troyer, P. Hanstedt (2023) Holistic support for mid-career faculty. AAC&U Annual Meeting on Reclaiming Liberal Education.
Boland, L.M. and V.L. Baker (2022) Reimagining the sabbatical: Resources for faculty developers. POD Network (Educational Development) Conference.
Boyd, D., N. Chick, L.M. Boland, K. Troyer, P. Hanstedt, F. Lozada (January – May, 2022) Mid-Career Advancement Pathways Program. A cross-institutional program developed for the Associated Colleges of the South to support mid-career faculty professional development.
Small, H.E.*, A. Corbin-Leftwich, C. Villalba-Galea, L.M. Boland (2017) Using excitable oocytes to investigate the role of potassium channels in action potentials. Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, Society for Neuroscience
Sinnott, J.*, B. Heine*, and L.M. Boland (2017) Investigating the effect of TREK activation by arachidonic acid. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students
Small, H.E.*, A. Corbin-Leftwich, C. Villalba-Galea, L.M. Boland (2017) Investigating the modulation of action potentials using excitable oocytes. Beckman Scholars Conference
Heine, B.*, J. Sinnott*, L.M. Boland (2017) Investigating the effect of AKAP on TREK-1 activation by arachidonic acid. Central Virginia Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience
Journal Articles
Baker, V.L. and L.M. Boland (2023) Harnessing the Power of the Sabbatical: Providing Strategic Guidance to Faculty Developers. Journal of Faculty Development 37(3): 48-53.
Shogren, I.S.K*, J.P. Gonzales*, and L.M. Boland (2023) An affordable three-dimensional (3D) printed recording chamber for two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology. The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, 21(2):A91-A96.
Corbin-Leftwich, A.*, H. E. Small*, H. Robinson*, C. Villalba-Galea, L.M. Boland. (2018) A Xenopus oocyte model system to study action potentials. Journal of General Physiology doi:10.1085/jgp.201812146
Sparks, J.T., G. Botsko, D.R. Swale, L.M. Boland, S.S. Patel*, J.C. Dickens. (2018) Proteins mediating reception and transduction in chemosensory neurons in mosquitoes. Frontiers in Physiology 9:1309. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01309.
Tang, Q-Y., T.C. Larry*, K. Hendra*, E. Yamamoto*, J. Bell, M. Cui, D.E. Logothetis, and L.M. Boland. (2015) Mutations in nature conferred a high affinity phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-binding site in vertebrate inwardly rectifying potassium channels. Journal of Biological Chemistry 290: 16517-16529. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M115.640409
H. Yuan, C. Gao, Y. Chen, M. Jia, J. Geng, H. Zhang, Y. Zhan, L. M. Boland, H. An. (2013) Divalent cations modulate TMEM16A calcium-activated chloride channels by a common mechanism. Journal of Membrane Biology 246:893-902.
Heler R.*, J.K. Bell, and L.M. Boland (2013) Homology model and targeted mutagenesis identify critical residues for arachidonic acid inhibition of Kv4 channels. Channels 7:1-11
Wells, G.D.*, Q-Y Tang, R. Heler*, G.J. Tompkins-MacDonald, E.N. Pritchard*, S.P. Leys, D.E. Logothetis, and L.M. Boland (2012) A unique alkaline pH-regulated and fatty acid-activated tandem pore domain (K2P) potassium channel from a marine sponge. Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 2435-2444.
Boland, L.M., M. M. Drzewiecki*, G. Timoney*, and E. Casey* (2009) Inhibitory effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids on Kv4 potassium channels. American Journal of Physiology (Cell Physiology) 296:C1003-C1014.
Tompkins-MacDonald, G.J., W.J. Gallin, O. Sakarya, B. Degnan, S.P. Leys and L.M. Boland. (2009) Expression of a Poriferan potassium channel: Insights into the evolution of ion channels in metazoans. Journal of Experimental Biology.
Boland, L.M. and M.M. Drzewiecki.* (2008) Polyunsaturated fatty acid modulation of voltage-gated ion channels. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 52:59-84.
Book ChaptersBoland, Linda M., and Vicki L. Baker. "Faculty Re-Engagement: A Sabbatical Planning Guide to Support Productivity and Well-Being." In A Toolkit for Mid-Career Academics, pp. 21-32. Routledge, 2024.
Boyd, Diane E., Nancy L. Chick, Linda M. Boland, and Katherine A. Troyer. "Leveraging a Consortial Approach for Mid-Career Faculty Learning Communities." In A Toolkit for Mid-Career Academics, pp. 135-145. Routledge, 2024.
OtherChick, N., K. Andersen, S. Rolph, B. Sandlin, L.M. Boland (2020) Distinctive learning experiences: Can we identify the signature pedagogies of residential liberal arts institutions?